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It’s officially the Fourth of July.

Across the country people gather to watch displays of fireworks.

For a number years, I lived on Chicago’s north side.

Grant Park was the place to be on July 3rd to watch a spectacular fireworks show

And listen to the Chicago Symphony play the 1812 Overture.

Kids of all ages would ooh and aahhh almost in unison

As the fireworks exploded across the sky.

Today, I’m celebrating freedom,

Grateful to call the USA home.

I’m embracing freedom, dancing with my creative spirit.

For me, I’m continuing to discover in Act lll of my life,

A fireworks of inspiration, awaiting me

When I freely choose to be

Uniquely me,

An artist in being alive.

I love this quote from Pablo Picasso,

Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working.

To me, this means you and I don’t wait for inspiration to come knocking at our door.

Instead, you and I start doing


We are joined by Inspiration;

And experience true freedom

And an inner fireworks of inspiration.

What is it that inspires you?

Just listen to your heart . . .

And follow its creative beat.

Imagine . . .

Such an experience of freedom

To celebrate today and every day!

Loving you,

Robert, aka Bob