Hey God,

I’m here.

Yeah, let me repeat that one more time . . . I’m here.

Amazing what happens when I write that and when I say that . . . I really experience myself being here.

Why it all sounds so simple; yet, I’m discovering how effective that simple statement I’m here is.

I recall in my Act 1 being a junior high and high school hurdler.

At practice, I remember hearing the voice of Coach Flately saying, “Ready, set, go!”

And then I would be off and running . . . running the hurdles in a 1-2-3 kicking cadence.

My eyes would be focused on the lane and the hurdles strategically placed ahead of me.

If my mind strayed just for an instant . . . well, the hurdle would get the best of me every time.

How appropriate for me to remembering this Act 1 hurdling story now.

The hurdles appearing in my life right now are the things for me to sort through in my streamlining/downsizing process.

I hear my heart calling to me, encouraging me to bring a 1-2-3 kicking cadence into the moving-preparation process.

At the high school track meets, the starter would call out, “On your mark, get set, go!”

And usually with the go, there would be the accompanying sound of the starter’s gun.

Now in Act 3 of my life, the stuff to sort is my hurdle.

And . . .

In my Act 3, I’ve taken on the role as the starter.

And how do I play the role of starter?

I begin by saying my line, I’m here.

And then I listen . . . to the voice of my heart, clearly speaking its lines to me,



Relax through the doing.

Yeah, thank You for this message and the good cheer. I like it a lot; it really resonates with me.

Yes, yes, yes . . . Ready. Set. Relax through the do-be-do-be-do!

Loving You,

Robert, aka Bob